An example of a not-quite-completely generalized DCL procedure for automatically moving new mail to an archive, is given below:
$! Batch command procedure which $! $! 1. Checks newmail folder for VMS-WEB-daemon messages. $! 2. Writes a temporary command file to move that mail $! to the appropriate archive folder. $! 3. Resets the protection on the archive. $! 4. Resubmits itself after 1 hr during business hours $! (6AM to 6PM), after 6 hrs otherwise. $! $! This procedure is based on WATCH_MAIL.COM, by Dan Schullman, $! Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard Massachusetts, 1994. $! It is not yet generalized to account for month or year. $! $ SHOW TIME $! Define or initialize various variables for processing the mail file. $ COMMAND_FILE = "MOVE_NEWMAIL_TO_ARCHIVE.COM" $ NEWMAIL_COUNT = 0 !number of new mail message $ NEWMAIL_FOLDER = "NEWMAIL" !name of folder containing new mail $ REQUIRED_FROM = "VMS-WEB-daemon"!sender's address must include this $ MOVE_COUNT = 0 !number of messages to move $ TARGET_MAILFILE = "[JONATHAN.WEBDAEMON.1997]MAIL.MAI" $ TARGET_FOLDER = "July" !folder name where newmail is placed $ $! Process the defalt mail file by reading it directly. $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "Opening mail index..." $ OPEN/READ/SHARE=WRITE/ERROR=ERROR_OPENING_MAIL_FILE MAILFILE_INDEX - [JONATHAN]MAIL.MAI $ READ/NOLOCK/INDEX=1/ERROR=NO_NEWMAIL/KEY="''NEWMAIL_FOLDER'" - MAILFILE_INDEX LINE !will get error if no new mail $! $! It appears that at least one message is present in the new mail folder. $! Create the header for the temporary command file which will be used to $! move new mail to the desired folder. $! $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "New mail found. Open command file." $ OPEN/WRITE TEMP_COMMAND_FILE 'COMMAND_FILE' $! WRITE TEMP_COMMAND_FILE "$ DEFINE/USER SYS$OUTPUT _NLA0:" $ WRITE TEMP_COMMAND_FILE "$ MAIL" $ WRITE TEMP_COMMAND_FILE "SELECT/NEW" $! $! Define names for the fields within the mail file records, and a list of $! the fields that must be present in every record. $! $ MF_0 = "SENDER" $ MF_1 = "SENT_TO" $ MF_2 = "SUBJECT" $ MF_3 = "CC_TO" $ MF_4 = "TYPE_4" $ MF_5 = "REC_CNT" $ MF_6 = "TYPE_6" $ MF_7 = "TYPE_7" $ MFP_REQUIRED = "0,2" $! $ GOTO GET_RECORD_INFO $! $ERROR_OPENING_MAIL_FILE: $ STATUS = $STATUS !save failure status $ ERROR_MESSAGE = "E-MAILOPEN, error opening mail file MAIL.MAI -- """ + F$MESSAGE(STATUS) + """" $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT ERROR_MESSAGE $ EXIT $! $! Read next record. If the folder name is not that of the new mail folder, $! assume we're done (since the records are in order by folder name). $! Obtain the sender's and recipient's addresses, subject, etc. $GET_NEXT_RECORD: $ READ/NOLOCK/INDEX=1/END=END_OF_NEWMAIL MAILFILE_INDEX LINE $GET_RECORD_INFO: $ FOLDER = "''F$EXTRACT(9,F$CVUI(8*8,8,LINE),LINE)'" $ IF FOLDER .NES. NEWMAIL_FOLDER THEN GOTO END_OF_NEWMAIL $ NEWMAIL_COUNT = 'F$STRING( NEWMAIL_COUNT + 1 )' $ LEN = -4 $ POS = 64 $ GOTO MRF_ON $MRF_BAD: $ STATUS = $STATUS $ ERROR = F$MESSAGE(STATUS) $ IF ERROR - "-NOCOMD," .EQS. ERROR THEN EXIT $ PROBLEM = "Error (''STATUS') extracting field at byte ''POS'" - + " from ''NEWMAIL_FOLDER' record #''NEWMAIL_COUNT'" $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT PROBLEM $MRF_ON: $ ON WARNING THEN GOTO MRF_BAD $MRF: $ POS = 'F$STRING(POS+4+LEN)' $ IF 'F$STRING(POS+4)' .GT. 'F$LENGTH(LINE)' THEN GOTO MRF_END $ LEN = 'F$CVUI(POS*8+16,16,LINE)' $ &MF_'F$CVUI(POS*8,16,LINE)' = F$EXTRACT(POS+4,LEN,LINE) $ MFP_'F$CVUI(POS*8,16,LINE)' = 'NEWMAIL_COUNT' $ GOTO MRF $MRF_END: $ ON WARNING THEN EXIT $ LLINE = "From: <" + SENDER + ">" $ SHOW SYMBOL LLINE $! LLINE = " <" + SUBJECT + ">" $! SHOW SYMBOL LLINE $! $! Skip this message if it doesn't contain REQUIRED_FROM string. $ IF F$LOCATE(REQUIRED_FROM, SENDER) .EQ. F$LENGTH(SENDER) THEN GOTO GET_NEXT_RECORD $! $! Generate commands which will subsequently be used to move the message. $ WRITE TEMP_COMMAND_FILE "READ ''NEWMAIL_COUNT'" $ WRITE TEMP_COMMAND_FILE "MOVE/NOCONFIRM ''TARGET_FOLDER' [.WEBDAEMON.1997]" $ MOVE_COUNT = 'F$STRING( MOVE_COUNT + 1 )' $ GOTO GET_NEXT_RECORD $! $! Done processing the new mail folder. Copy and move the mail as necessary. $END_OF_NEWMAIL: $ WRITE TEMP_COMMAND_FILE "EXIT" $ WRITE TEMP_COMMAND_FILE "$!" $ CLOSE TEMP_COMMAND_FILE $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "Found ''NEWMAIL_COUNT' messages." $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "About to move ''MOVE_COUNT' messages to archive..." $NO_NEWMAIL: $ ON WARNING THEN CONTINUE $ CLOSE MAILFILE_INDEX $ IF 'MOVE_COUNT' .GT. 0 $ THEN $ @'COMMAND_FILE' $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "Reset protection." $ SET FILE/PROT=(G:RE,W:RE)/SINCE=1-JUL [.WEBDAEMON.1997]*.MAI $ SET FILE/PROT=(G:RE,W:RE)/LOG [.WEBDAEMON.1997]MAIL.MAI $ ENDIF $! $! Clean up a bit. $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "Purge log and command files." $ PURGE/KEEP=10 'COMMAND_FILE' $ PURGE/KEEP=10 *.log $! $! Resubmit this job after an hour, if during business hours. $ DAY = F$EXTRACT(0,1,"''F$CVTIME(,,"WEEKDAY")'") $ HOUR = F$EXTRACT(0,2,"''F$CVTIME(,,"HOUR")'") $ IF (HOUR .GTS. "18") .OR. (HOUR .LTS. "06") .OR. (DAY .EQS. "S") $ THEN $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "Resubmit this job to run again in six hours." $ SUBMIT/AFTER="+6"/NOPRINT 'F$ENVIRONMENT("PROCEDURE")' $ ELSE $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "Resubmit this job to run again in an hour." $ SUBMIT/AFTER="+1"/NOPRINT 'F$ENVIRONMENT("PROCEDURE")' $ ENDIF $ EXIT
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